SILVANOLS RINOQUICK patch for use on clothing consists of matrix-type layers containing eucalyptus, lavender and peppermint essential oils. The patch is used to facilitate breathing and reduce discomfort in cases where the nasal passages are blocked with secretions (for example, in the case of a runny nose). The volatile compounds contained in the oils clear the nose and make breathing easier. RinoQuick sticks to clothing. RinoQuick patch is intended for children from 2 years of age and adults.
1. Open the foil package. 2. Remove the top transparent protective film and stick RinoQuick directly on the clothes (pyjamas etc.) in the chest area. 3. The fumes of essential oils work for 6-8 hours, so it is recommended to stick the patch before going to bed. Do not use in case of hypersensitivity (allergy) to any component of this product or bronchial asthma. Do not use in children under 2 years of age. Use only externally and on clothing. May leave stains on clothing. Disposable patch. Do not reuse the patch.
Eucalyptus oil, peppermint oil with reduced menthol content, lavender oil.
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