SILVANOLS FUNGISPRAY is a spray agent for foot disinfection with antifungal, antibacterial and antiseptic effects. The active substances in the product fight against the specific aroma of the feet, provide comfort and freshness. It is used prophylactically or after suffering a fungal infection, as well as to prevent the unpleasant smell of feet and shoes.
Rinse the aerosol packaging, remove the spray sleeve. Holding the bottle vertically, the sprayer is pointed at a clean lower surface of the foot from a distance of approximately 20 cm and, by pressing the nozzle of the sprayer with a rapid movement, sprays the aerosol. In a similar way, spreading the toes, the spray is injected between the toes. The actions are repeated for the other leg (a total of 0.55 ml of aerosol is sprayed). It is used 2 times a day – in the morning and in the evening. For external use only. Fireproof! Do not spray near an open flame.
Pine oil (Oleum Pini) 10 mg, peppermint oil (Oleum Menthae piperitae) 20 mg, tea tree oil (Oleum Malaleucae) 5 mg, sage extract (Extractum Salviae) 50 mg, boric acid (Acidum boricum) 30 mg.
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